The easy-to-follow guide to better baby sleep with
science-backed strategies, fewer tears, & less stress 

Gentle, effective solutions for more restful nights & better naps in the first 6 months

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The easy-to-follow guide to better baby sleep with
science-backed strategies, fewer tears, & less stress 

Gentle, effective solutions for more restful nights & better naps in the first 6 months

Join Now

When it comes to everyone getting consistent rest in the first 6 months
of your baby’s life—complex, stressful, and tearful strategies aren’t the ticket.

Having a newborn doesn’t have to mean
no one’s getting enough shut-eye.

As parents of a tiny human—a baby who’s growing & changing by the day—you need your rest. (Which is why telling new parents they “just won’t sleep” is so cruel.)

But what’s worse?

Thinking it should be easier to get your baby to sleep—and if they’re not, you’re somehow failing as a parent (Pssst!! Not true!) …

Beginning to dread evenings & bedtime, instead of enjoying your family’s peace-filled nightly routine …

… and cataloging every waking moment in your infant’s day to try and figure out what went wrong only to have zero clue what you could—or should—be doing differently.

Sleep doesn’t have to be complicated.

(But that doesn’t mean there aren’t a zillion “methods” out there overcomplicating it.)

You’ve read books, skimmed (ok, scoured) Reddit threads, and picked the brain of every parent you know … and yet:

  • Nothing seems to be working like it’s the right approach for your baby.
  • The number of tears shed—by you and your baby—is making peaceful sleep feel completely out of reach.
  • Getting enough rest is the one thing keeping you from truly enjoying your life with a new baby.

If you’re reading along thinking, “This is exactly me,”
you need the Peaceful Dreams Course.


Becoming a parent & welcoming a new baby
isn’t ever without its challenges …

BUT—and that’s a big “but” …

It should be a joyful and wonderful new season of life.

So, if a lack of sleep is holding you back from that joy & wonder—

It’s time to implement some strategies and routines to help you get
the peaceful dreams your whole household needs to embrace everything
that comes with a growing family.

Peaceful Dreams gives you the knowledge, tools, and support you need to improve your baby’s sleep now, and lay a solid foundation for great sleep in the future.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Help your baby fall asleep easier and faster at bedtime.
  • Reduce wake times during the night.
  • Get your baby back to sleep quickly when they do wake at night (even if you have a baby who loves a nighttime party!).
  • Improve their daytime naps.
  • Read your baby’s cues, so you know how to tell the difference between tiredness and other needs.
  • Use effective, gentle calming techniques to soothe your baby toward sleep.
  • Reduce SIDS / SUDI risks when setting up your baby’s sleep space.
  • Navigate the 4-month sleep regression.


Parents of newborns miss out on the equivalent of two months of sleep during the first year of their baby’s life.

Meanwhile, your infant should be asleep for at least half,
and up to nearly three-quarters of their first year.

SO—how do we make sure everyone gets the rest they need?

I N T R O D U C I N G:

Peaceful Dreams from Brightest Beginning

An evidence-based sleep training course taught by our founder
and pediatric occupational therapist Emma Hubbard, providing parents
with science-backed strategies to improve their baby’s sleep

Peaceful Dreams is designed to help families cultivate healthy rhythms of rest and
reap the benefits of quality sleep in the first six months of their child’s life.

Take the second-guessing out of your little one’s sleep, improve their naps, get longer stretches of sleep each night, and help teach your baby to fall asleep independently. Without sleep training.

Join Peaceful Dreams Today

What you get inside Peaceful Dreams:

18+ Detailed Video Lessons 

No-fluff tutorials packed with all of the evidence-based strategies to help you successfully manage the challenges that come with baby sleep between 0 and 6 months of age. 

Each video is packed with examples showing exactly what you need to do with your little one.

Audio-Only Versions of Every Video

Prefer to listen while you’re on the go? Listen to the course like an audiobook, with audio-only versions of every lesson.

Quick reference guides, cheat sheets and e-books

No need to revisit the video lessons—print out our quick-reference resources and keep them handy for when that next situation arises when you’re not sure what to do and need a quick refresher to get you through it.

Access to our Advanced AI Assistant to get instant access to the help you need

Get the answers you need, when you need them. My AI assistant is trained using the knowledge and information inside the course. It’s there to help give you quick access to answers and information when you need a reminder or a quick bit of help!

Here’s how Peaceful Dreams will help

Learn How to Calm Your Fussy Baby, Even When it Feels Like Nothing Will Work

One of the most stressful experiences we go through as new parents is holding  a screaming baby and feeling completely helpless with no idea how to soothe them, trying everything…

  • Shusing, bouncing and rocking
  • Feeding
  • Trying to put them down to sleep
  • Checking for fever and other signs of illness

Peaceful Dreams will teach you how to read your baby’s cues to help you understand what they need, so you don’t end up in this cycle of trying everything in the hope that something works.

Then you’ll learn effective, gently calming techniques, to give you the tools you need to soothe your little one when they’re just feeling fussy.

Get More Sleep During The Night

Night wakes are normal (and necessary) for babies, particularly newborns. Their tiny stomachs mean they need lots of regular feeds—and regular feeds mean regular poops 😆.

But often those night wakes can become more frequent than necessary—and not because of hunger or diaper changes.

In Peaceful Dreams, you’ll learn how to minimise nighttime waking while still nurturing your baby and meeting all of their needs.

Plus, you’ll learn how to settle your baby back to sleep quickly when they do wake. This is particularly helpful if you have a newborn who thinks 3 am is time for play 😂.

Make Settling Your Baby to Sleep For Naps Or Bedtime a Breeze

Getting your baby to fall asleep when it’s time can be HARD. And, if they fall asleep in your arms, this leads to the next challenge—getting them into the crib without waking them. 

Then, just as you think you’ve succeeded and make a beeline for the door, they cry out. Aaaand it’s back to square one.

In Peaceful Dreams, you’ll learn how to gently settle your little one in the crib, avoiding the arms-to-crib cycle altogether. This helps your baby learn to fall asleep independently, so they don’t need to be held to fall asleep.

And there’s no crying it out involved here either 🙂. You’re with them the whole time to provide the comfort they need, while also helping them develop the foundations for independent sleep.

Longer, More Restful Naps & Tools to Manage Catnapping

At some point every parent experiences it …

Your baby is clearly tired, so you get them ready for a nap and start trying to settle them to sleep.

An hour later, they finally drift off to sleep and you manage to get them into the crib without them waking.

You make a tea, sit down, and 10 minutes later you hear a noise. Yup, they’re awake already.

In Peaceful Dreams you’ll learn how to help avoid frustrating “cat naps,” making the dreaded “short nap” far less frequent, so your little one gets longer stretches of rest, on a more consistent basis.

Watch Me Use The Techniques and Strategies With My Own Baby

On top of the video lessons, e-books and guides, you also get an extensive amount of real-life footage that shows you exactly how to implement the techniques you learn.

Watch over my shoulder as I put all of the techniques into practice, navigate my own mistakes & troubleshoot! You get to see the real version of what managing young baby sleep looks like, not just the parts where it works perfectly.

Peaceful Dreams will help your little one (and you!) get better sleep. It’s not a highlight reel that breaks down when you try to implement it yourself—you’ll get resources & support that help you tailor the strategies to your baby and make sure you all start getting more rest.

Take The Guesswork Out Of Figuring Out What Your Baby Needs

Learn to read your baby’s cues so you aren’t dependent on strict timing or wake windows to know when to put them to bed.

The truth is every baby’s sleep needs are different. While wake windows are a helpful tool, trying to stick to them without any other input often just leads to more frustration.

When you know how to read your baby’s tired signs, their cues become much more reliable than any schedule. It also makes putting them down to sleep a whole lot easier, with fewer false starts and a much higher success rate.

Your baby’s cues create a strong pattern of communication between the two of you, reducing overwhelm and giving you a sense of confidence that you know what’s best for your baby.

Create An Environment That’s Safe And Supports Great Sleep

Great sleep starts with your baby’s sleeping environment. Learn how to create an optimal setup for longer stretches of restful sleep for your baby. It sounds obvious, but getting the little details right can make a HUGE difference.

I’ll show you the nursery & sleep setup items you really need, and which ones you don’t.

And most importantly, you’ll learn how to reduce SIDS / SUDI risks when setting up your baby’s sleep space.

Won’t Sleep Anywhere But On You…

Contact napping can be one of the most frustrating parts of helping your baby develop better sleep habits—but it’s an easy pattern to fall into when it seems bub is only happy in your arms.  

While transferring a sleeping babe from your arms to the crib or bassinet can be easy in the first few weeks of life, it actually only gets harder as they grow more aware of their surroundings. Learning to get your child to fall asleep in their crib or bassinet is the easiest way to break the contact nap cycle.

I’ll show you how to comfort and be present for your sleepy bub without keeping them in your arms or being “nap trapped” in an armchair and dark room as they sleep—a situation that can be equally frustrating & dangerous depending on how much rest you’re getting.

What Are Other Parents Saying About Peaceful Dreams?

Losing sleep is costing you:

Whether it’s the joys of your baby’s newborn season—or your actual sanity—
you’re missing out on more than just ZZZs.

Other programs teach blanket principles backed by nothing more than a flimsy “what worked for me” guarantee,
and prescribe techniques that leave you and your child in tears—

And your parental instinct leaves you certain they’re not the right solution for you and your baby.


You’ll learn to think, act, and troubleshoot in the moment in direct response to your baby’s cues,
so you can confidently and peacefully navigate your naptime and nighttime routines with ease.

Take the second-guessing out of your little one’s sleep, improve their naps, get longer stretches of sleep each night, and help teach your baby to fall asleep independently. Without sleep training.

Join Peaceful Dreams Today

18+ Detailed Video Lessons 

No-fluff tutorials packed with all of the evidence-based strategies to help you successfully manage the challenges that come with baby sleep between 0 and 6 months of age. 

Each video is packed with examples showing exactly what you need to do with your little one.

Audio-Only Versions of Every Video

Prefer to listen while you’re on the go? Listen to the course like an audiobook, with audio-only versions of every lesson.

Quick reference guides, cheat sheets and e-books

No need to revisit the video lessons—print out our quick-reference resources and keep them handy for when that next situation arises when you’re not sure what to do and need a quick refresher to get you through it.

Access to our Advanced AI Assistant to get instant access to the help you need

Get the answers you need, when you need them. My AI assistant is trained using the knowledge and information inside the course. It’s there to help give you quick access to answers and information when you need a reminder or a quick bit of help!

Choose The Best Option For You

Peaceful Dreams Program


Complete 0-6m Sleep Program, Including:

  • Video Lessons (Ultra HD)

  • Audio Versions of Every Lesson

  • 11 Detailed eBooks, guides, cheat sheets and printable quick-reference sheets

  • Advanced AI Sleep Assistant


Peaceful Dreams
+ Support


Complete 0-6m Sleep Program, Including:

  • Video Lessons (Ultra HD)

  • Audio Versions of Every Lesson

  • 11 Detailed eBooks, guides, cheat sheets and printable quick-reference sheets

  • Advanced AI Sleep Assistant


  • 3 Months of Support From
    Emma via the Community Forum – $97 value

  • Complete Newborn Essentials Program (0-6 months) – ($47 value)


Total Value: $241

You Save: $114

Complete New Parent’s Bundle


Complete 0-6m Sleep Program, Including:

  • Video Lessons (Ultra HD)

  • Audio Versions of Every Lesson

  • 11 Detailed eBooks, guides, cheat sheets and printable quick-reference sheets

  • Advanced AI Sleep Assistant




Total Value: $328

You Save: $131

More Rave Reviews For Peaceful Dreams…

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you aren’t satisfied with Peaceful Dreams, drop us an email within 30 days of purchase and we’ll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked. You can buy the course, try the strategies, and if you don’t find them helpful, we’ll refund you

Meet Emma Hubbard!

Hi!, I’m a mum of 3, and a Pediatric Occupational Therapist with over 12 years of specialised experience.

I’m passionate about making life easier for new parents by sharing practical, evidence based advice that make those common (often stressful) challenges easier to navigate. And because we all want the best for our little ones, my goal is to help you do this in a way that’s also best for your child. It’s all about doing what’s best for both you and your beloved little one, not sacrificing one over the other.

I started Brightest Beginning to provide a place that parents can rely on to get reliable, practical information that takes the guesswork and uncertainty out of parenting, and gives them the peace of mind that they are giving their little one the best start to life.

How to know if Peaceful Dreams is a fit for you & your baby:

  • You love your baby, but the frustration around the lack of sleep in this phase of life is really starting to get to you. You know you need something that will help your routines “click” so you can both get better rest and enjoy your life as a growing family.
  • You’ve tried every tip & trick you’ve heard—in fact, you’re starting to think you might be earning a PhD in “things that haven’t helped my baby sleep better.” You’re clearly not afraid of trying new things, but you need something to work so you can stop feeling like a failure—and start getting some rest. (PS. You’re NOT failing!)
  • You thought figuring out your own baby would come naturally—and that for such a tiny person who needs their rest, it wouldn’t be so hard to get them to fall asleep. You just want someone to spell it out for you so you can follow along & get the right routines in place … without having to deal with a “cry it out” method.
  • You’re not in a rush to cut down on night feeds or early morning wakeups—after all, you want your baby’s needs to be met. While sleeping through the night might not be your priority, sleeping with consistency is.
  • Prioritizing rest is a “whole-family” pursuit—you and anyone else who cares for your baby are invested in getting this right so your baby can get the rest they need (and you can get back to sleep for the shut-eye you need!).

Click below to join Peaceful Dreams today, and let’s help your whole family get a little more rest

Buy now

Frequently Asked Questions

What ages does this cover?

This course is for parents of babies from 0-6 months old

Will I have to let my baby cry?

No, this is all about nurturing your baby and giving them what they need, when they need it. You do not need to let your baby “cry it out” to implement what you learn in the course.

My baby hasn’t been born yet. Can I buy the course now and use it when I'm ready?

Yes, definitely. You have unlimited access to the course material for 5 years (including all updates for free), so you can buy now and use it whenever you are ready.

I've already used a comprehensive course, and it didn't work. How can I know this one will be different?

Other newborn/baby sleep courses prescribe fixed sleep and feeding schedules which makes it tough to adjust from one baby to the next. We know that all babies have different sleep needs. For example, some babies under 3 months of age only need 12 hours of sleep over 24 hours and others may need as much as 19 hours. That’s a massive 7 hours difference. Therefore, it’s not reasonable to think all babies can follow the same sleeping and feeding schedule. Since set schedules don’t take this into account, they often don’t work and parents feel like a failure or something is wrong with their baby.  In Peaceful Dreams, I share what science tells us about baby sleep and more importantly, how to read your baby to work out a sleep schedule that works for their individual sleep needs.

This isn't my first baby ... but all my usual tricks aren't working. Will this help?

Yes! Every child is different—which definitely explains why your usual tricks aren’t working this time around. Peaceful Dreams teaches you how to figure out what works for this child and provides a step-by-step plan for how to implement it.

My child was born premature. Will this course still help?

Yes, it will, as long as your baby is home with you and no longer needs medical care. Whenever I refer to ages in the course, you will simply need to ensure you are using your baby’s adjusted age – their age based on their due date, not their age based on their actual date of birth.

I have twins/triplets. Will this work in my situation?

In short, yes it will. You would apply the same strategies and techniques to each of your babies. However, the course does not cover any twin- or triplet-specific advice for navigating sleep with multiple infants at one time.

How long do I have access to the course materials after purchasing?

You get 5 full years of access from your date of purchase, which includes all updates for free during that time.

Can I find the same information on your YouTube channel?

No. This course covers a LOT more than I can cover on YouTube. While I have a lot of content on my channel, the depth of specialised information in this course is so much more than what I make publicly available. 

Do I get direct access to Emma?

If you purchase the package that includes access to the support community, yes! Emma actively monitors and answers questions in the support forum, along with members of her team, and also other members of the community.

Will the course work on my phone / mobile device?

Yes. The course is accessible on both desktop and mobile devices through the vast majority of web browsers. It will work on any device with a modern web browser and internet connection.

Can I download the course material?

All videos and audio are available via streaming only. They cannot be downloaded. Additional resources in the form of PDF and image files can be downloaded.

Can I share my login with friends / family?

You are most welcome to share your login with other members of your household and family or friends who help in caring for your baby. In fact, we encourage you to do so!

This way, you’ll all be on the same page and can provide a consistent approach to sleep with your little one. However, we don’t allow sharing with family/friends to apply with their children; doing so will result in losing access to the course.

What happens if I need tech support?

We’re here to help! Simply drop an email to support@brightestbeginning.com and our amazing team will help you out.


Peaceful Dreams is designed to help families cultivate
healthy rhythms of rest and reap the benefits of quality sleep
in the first six months of their child’s life.

Skip the old-school “cry it out” methods, the strict schedules, and the stress-filled
regimens that don’t work for every baby or every family. Instead, learn how to establish
routines and read your baby’s cues for consistent and reliable sleep.

Take the second-guessing out of your little one’s sleep, improve their naps, get longer stretches of sleep each night, and help teach your baby to fall asleep independently. Without sleep training.

Join Peaceful Dreams Today

18+ Detailed Video Lessons 

No-fluff tutorials packed with all of the evidence-based strategies to help you successfully manage the challenges that come with baby sleep between 0 and 6 months of age. 

Each video is packed with examples showing exactly what you need to do with your little one.

Audio-Only Versions of Every Video

Prefer to listen while you’re on the go? Listen to the course like an audiobook, with audio-only versions of every lesson.

Quick reference guides, cheat sheets and e-books

No need to revisit the video lessons—print out our quick-reference resources and keep them handy for when that next situation arises when you’re not sure what to do and need a quick refresher to get you through it.

Access to our Advanced AI Assistant to get instant access to the help you need

Get the answers you need, when you need them. My AI assistant is trained using the knowledge and information inside the course. It’s there to help give you quick access to answers and information when you need a reminder or a quick bit of help!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you aren’t satisfied with Peaceful Dreams, drop us an email within 30 days of purchase and we’ll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked. You can buy the course, try the strategies, and if you don’t find them helpful, we’ll refund you

Choose The Best Option For You

Peaceful Dreams Program


Complete 0-6m Sleep Program, Including:

  • Video Lessons (Ultra HD)

  • Audio Versions of Every Lesson

  • 11 Detailed eBooks, guides, cheat sheets and printable quick-reference sheets

  • Advanced AI Sleep Assistant


Peaceful Dreams
+ Support


Complete 0-6m Sleep Program, Including:

  • Video Lessons (Ultra HD)

  • Audio Versions of Every Lesson

  • 11 Detailed eBooks, guides, cheat sheets and printable quick-reference sheets

  • Advanced AI Sleep Assistant


  • 3 Months of Support From
    Emma via the Community Forum – $97 value

  • Complete Newborn Essentials Program (0-6 months) – ($47 value)


Total Value: $241

You Save: $114

Complete New Parent’s Bundle


Complete 0-6m Sleep Program, Including:

  • Video Lessons (Ultra HD)

  • Audio Versions of Every Lesson

  • 11 Detailed eBooks, guides, cheat sheets and printable quick-reference sheets

  • Advanced AI Sleep Assistant




Total Value: $328

You Save: $131